Restoration Projects

Streamside Buffer Restoration

With larger and more frequent storms due to climate change, a healthy streamside buffer is one way to naturally protect our land, our streams, and our drinking water.

Healthy streamside buffers (trees, shrubs, and other plants):

  • Absorb flood waters, which can make downstream flooding less serious
  • Shade and cool the stream, which is essential for fish and other aquatic life
  • Help prevent streambank erosion, which reduces stream health
  • Filter pollution from stormwater runoff that flows into Rock Creek and then becomes part of the Philadelphia drinking water

Curtis Arboretum includes a key section of Rock Creek and handles substantial stormwater drainage through the ponds. In 2019, many of the wooded areas of the park, especially along the creek, were covered with invasive species that were killing the largest canopy trees.

Since that time, our volunteers have painstakingly dug out vines, thorny rose bushes, and other invasive plants and planted, protected, and watered more than 1,000 new trees and shrubs.

World War II Memorial Restoration

The memorial had been rededicated, but was already overcome with weeds, especially along the pond. Old barberry (a known tick haven) was removed. A formal frame of shrubbery and flowers was added and water plants installed pond-side to reduce erosion.

The WWII plaque lists Cheltenham residents who were killed in the war. If you turn around and face away from the plaque, there was a tree planted for every soldier who fell, and many are still thriving in the CAVOR grove.

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